
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church

A Family of Grace, Growing in Faith, Sharing God's Love...


Small Group Ministries

Special Children's / Youth Events

SPECIAL CHILDREN’S / YOUTH EVENTS are held throughout the year. We join with area churches each summer for Vacation Bible School for all ages. It is always a wonderful time of learning and fun. Children and youth offer an annual Christmas program for the congregation, and an Easter Egg Hunt takes place each year. There are also mission opportunities, as well as the National Lutheran Youth Gathering that is held every three years.

Men in Mission

Men in Mission meets monthly for breakfast, devotions and fellowship. It's goal is to help men grow in their faith and transform them into disciples of Christ who love and serve their neighbors.


WELCA – Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America meets monthly for study, advocacy, fellowship, and service. Its ministries invite women to experience the reconciling and transforming love of God through Jesus Christ and encourage them to act boldly in living out their baptismal covenant.

Praise Team

The Praise Team, under the direction of Susan Sigmon, leads our Praise & Worship services. These services incorporate more contemporary music and are held in Reformation Hall about six times each year.